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natural cure for arthritis, bursitis, and joint pain

WARNING! Don't Even Think About Buying Another Pain "Relief" Product Until You Read This...

"Scientists Develop All-Natural
Secret Formula That Stops Crippling Arthritis, Joint Pain And Muscle Pain, Within Just 15 Minutes Flat... Even If You've Been Suffering For Years!"

NO Drugs, NO Surgeries, NO Pain!

At last! An amazing discovery that really works proven to eliminate your worst-case pain almost instantly -- without any side effects... Even after other treatments failed! This will change your life forever...

By Arcangelo Capozzolo

Dear joint pain sufferer,


"I am 93 years old and have been suffering with arthritis in my hands, elbows and knees for years. My son-in-law came across your product Freederm AC. I love it. It takes away the pain in minutes and it gets absorbed into the skin quickly without any odor. I have told others in my nursing home about your fantastic product. Thank you so much!"

-- Ethel Layer

Click Here to Read More Testimonials

Would you like to once again enjoy the freedom of doing what you want without living in constant physical agony from joint pain or arthritis?

If so, I've got good news for you.

Here's the story: After watching my grandmother suffer with pain for years and trying to help her find a product she could use to relieve her aching joints & arthritis and muscles I finally had enough.

Nothing seemed to work.

The worst pain you could ever feel is watching a family member you love suffer while you stand by helpless to do anything about it.

Sometimes just the simple act of sitting drove her to tears. Both my grandparents were always so loving and good to us kids.

So seeing them suffer when they should be enjoying life was very hard for our whole family to bear. I had enough. I just had to do something about it.

Out of frustration, I researched through countless books and the Internet (and spent many, many hours!) trying to find out as much information as I could about...

How To Combat The
Debilitating Effects Of Arthritis,
And Hurting Joints And Muscles!

"My doctors have been telling me for years that the only way to stop the terrible pain in my knee was to have surgery. I was so glad to discover Freederm AC. Now I put a little on my knee each day and I can do all the things I used to do. And without the pain."

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I purchased all the "off the shelf" products. Everything that numerous doctors I spoke to at different clinics suggested.

But none of them could stop my grandmother's distress and constant discomfort. I grew even more frustrated.

Every time I'd see one of those ads in magazines that promise the new "miracle" arthritis cure I'd get my hopes up and run right out to buy it for her...

... Only to be saddened and disappointed that it didn't work.

Then one day an amazing thing happened on one of my many business luncheons. I was speaking with a gentleman whose friend had an Emu farm in Australia. Emu's are similar to ostriches but somewhat smaller.

Who knows how we got on the subject?

It doesn't really matter anyway.

What does matter is this gentleman explained to me how an Emu produces an oil (called "Emu Oil") used by many people around the world as a way to deal with joint pain.

In fact, he also told me how...

The Aborigines Used
Emu Oil For Centuries As
A Valued Medicine!

Modern scientific studies from around the world confirm Emu oil naturally contains high levels of linolenic acid (a substance known to ease muscle aches and joint pain including arthritis)... and... oleic acid which provides a local anti-inflammatory effect.

According to Dr. Margaret C. Craig-Schmidt, an Associate Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at Auburn University, she found the following:

"I learned that this oleic fatty acid is a known enhancer of transport of bio-active compounds in the skin. In other words, the high presence of oleic acid in the emu oil may be one of the reasons that it is able to penetrate the skin to a large degree and at the same time be able to carry active compounds through the skin where they can have an effect on the body."

Pharmacist and oil researcher Allen Strickland of Alabama discovered the penetrating effect of emu oil may be related to its non-phosphorous composition.

Strickland says since our skin contains no phosphorous it's "programmed" to keep phosphorous from penetrating. However, emu oil contains no phosphorous so...

It Penetrates
Right Through!

This may be the very reason why almost all pain relief applications don't work. They simply do not penetrate the skin deep enough to reach the effected area.

Emu oil does.

In "Emu Oil: A Clinical Appraisal of this Natural and Long Used Product," Dr. G.R. Hobday reviewed the following results of a 10-year study involving 500 patients who used emu oil:

  1. No allergic reaction reported to the use of Emu oil
  2. Emu oil's major actions include:
  • It's anti-inflammatory properties
  • It's ability to penetrate the skin... and...
  • It's ability to provide some solar protection

Dr. Hobday's 10-year clinical study of emu oil showed that it can be used effectively to:

  1. Reduce pain, swelling and stiffness most evident where the joint is close to the skin surface: hands, feet, knees, elbows.
  2. And... to relieve recent bruising and muscle pain where injury is relatively superficial such as sports related muscle strains.

Could This Emu Oil
Really Be The Miracle I
Was Looking For?


"Thank you for the Freederm AC cream and joint supplements. They really work. I have terrible nerve pain and it soothes it down in about 5 minutes."

Click Here to Read More Testimonials


Well, almost but not quite.

Here's what happened next:

Since the gentleman I was having lunch with was unsure if Emu oil would alleviate my grandmother's arthritis he gave me his friend's (the Australian emu farmer) phone number to ask for myself.

That same night I gave him a call and explained my poor grandmother's arthritic condition. I was shocked when he started chuckling as I was telling the story.

I asked him why he thought that was funny... and... he told me he had heard the same story a million times before. He also told me he had the answer... but... only 50% of it.

As it turns out, the emu oil he sells is a great medicinal product but not enough to make the arthritis pain go away by itself. Because...

It Is Not The Only
Thing Needed To Relieve
Joint Pain For The Long Term!

You also need to combine other natural products including Glucosamine and MSM (methylsulfonylmethane).

These products also help with pain and inflammation... but more importantly... they lubricate the joints in your body and rebuild damaged cartilage.

Glucosamine is made from the shells of shellfish and refined corn. It stimulates cartilage cells and synthesizes glucosaminoglycans and proteoglycans -- chemicals that help to repair and rebuild worn-out joints.

They also permit cartilage to flex and absorb physical shock while -- at the same time -- suppressing destructive chondrocytes from breaking down cartilage.

In fact, for 20 years Glucosamine has been clinically proven to provide these main benefits:

  • Slows progression of osteoarthritis
  • Eases osteoarthritis and joint pain
  • Rejuvenates synovial fluid
  • Promotes healthy and flexible joints
  • Helps body to heal itself
  • Lubricates joints
  • And continually bathes joints in a healthy protective fluid that builds essential glucosaminoglycans and proteoglycans

MSM Is One Of The
Latest Health Breakthroughs!

"Both my husband and I have painful arthritis. Well I have tried the cream on my sore fingers and lower spine that has a lot of arthritis. I must say this is the most relief I have had in years. I am very impressed with your product as is my husband."

Click Here to Read More Testimonials


A natural sulfur compound, MSM is found in all living things. Actually, it's the third most prominent compound in our bodies behind water and sodium.

Basically, MSM is an essential dietary sulfur almost overlooked by scientists and recently isolated by Robert Hershler and Dr. Stanley Jacob of the University of Oregon Medical School.

Unlike the bad sulfurs (e.g., sulfa, sulfate, sulfite and sulfide) the sulfur in MSM, called sulfonyl, is as safe and as important in your diet as Vitamin C.

Your body needs this nutritional element because it:

  • Makes cell walls permeable
  • Allows water and nutrients to flow freely into cells
  • Allows water and toxins to properly flush out
  • Works with Vitamin C to build healthy new cells
  • Stimulates growth of healthy skin, hair and nails
  • Provides a flexible bond between cells

Ultimately, MSM ensures healthy connective tissue... healthy joint function... proper enzyme activity and hormone balance... proper function of the immune system... and... increases athletic stamina and elimination of muscle soreness.

Finally, I Found The Answer
I So Desperately Sought!

Clinical Facts
Emu Oil

Non-pore-clogging substance... reduces inflammation in joints... penetrates skin due to its non-phosphorous composition... proven treatment for muscle aches and pains.


Maintains integrity of joints... inhibits cartilage destroying enzymes... repairs and rebuilds worn joints and cartilage... increases joint flexibility.


Essential dietary element... prime source of bio-available sulfur... improves health problems such as arthritis and circulation... helps build healthy new cells.

Chondroitin Sulfate

Proven anti-inflammatory... more effective than non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's)... protects cartilage from premature degeneration... works with glucosamine to stimulate cartilage production.

Collagen Type II

Powerful anti-inflammatory, rebuilds cartilage in arthritic joints, 60% of cartilage is Collage Type II, reduces cholesterol in blood, cardio-protective agent, lowers risk of heart attacks.

Vitamin E

Biological anti-oxidant, protects cells against free radical damage, may help prevent onset of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Vitamin C

Necessary for manufacture of collagen, water soluble antioxidant, protects body against oxidative damage, neutralizes harmful reactions in blood and fluid inside and surrounding cells, protects the heart and other tissues.

So I asked my new friend from "Down Under" if he would be interested in developing products with me that would work for arthritis and joint pain sufferers.

He wasn't... due to his busy schedule... so... I struck out on my own.

I started researching how to synergistically incorporate:

  1. Emu oil,
  2. Glucosamine
  3. And MSM...

... With other medicinal and natural ingredients in order to make products that could help my grandmother and other arthritis and joint pain victims.

Since I am not a doctor, I contacted an FDA-approved manufacturer here in the USA.

Their on-staff herbal doctor (who has over a quarter of a century of experience) and I rolled up our sleeves to come up with a brand new proprietary cream, supplement and bath product that...

Alleviates Aches And
Pains Within 15 Minutes!

I decided nothing would stop me from helping thousands of people (and perhaps tens of thousands) around the world.

After a year of hard work we finally developed an all-natural secret formula... and... my dream is now a reality.

To me, calling it a miracle isn't an exaggeration. My grandmother now has her pain completely under control. So can you.

Look: If you or someone you know has arthritis or joint pain...

I URGE You To Try My
New Freederm Pain Relief
Product Line

The main product I created is called "Freederm AC" cream. Within minutes it removes the terrible persistent misery due to any of these common problems:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Bursitis Sports Injuries
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Wrist Pain
  • Elbow Pain
  • Ankle Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Hand Arthritis

Plus, the best part is:

This cream has NO ODOR and is quickly absorbed into the skin to provide almost instant relief to muscles and joints.

Relief you deserve!

Haven't you lived in pain long enough?

You don't have to put up with it anymore. Try this new product today. If it does for you what it's done for my grandmother (and countless others using it so far)...

You'll Call It
Your New "Miracle"!

"A friend of mine at school recommended your product for the pain in my knees after finding it on the Internet. I was very skeptical until I used it after a volleyball match. The pain went away almost instantly as your website stated and it has no odor which I love. Thanks for allowing me to play my favorite sport as much as I want."

Click Here to Read More Testimonials



Simply because Freederm AC cream completely banishes pain and allows you to take back control of your life again.

Now you can start enjoying the things you love to do within 15 minutes of application.

It's simple.

It's easy.

It will change your life.

Besides the cream, I also developed Freederm Joint Support Supplements specially formulated to help maintain strong and healthy joint function.

Joint Support formula features a balanced approach of world-renowned Glucosamine Hydrochloride (HCL) and Chondroitin Sulfate with a blend of complementary herbs, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to...

Support Healthy Joints,
Cartilage And Flexibility!

Freederm AC Cream

4 oz. jar

Click here for more info and ingredients.

Freederm Joint Support Supplements

80 tablets
per bottle

Click here for more info and ingredients.

Dead Sea Therapeutic
Bath Salts

Click here for more info and ingredients.

Plus, I offer our 100% pure Dead Sea Therapeutic Bath Salts imported by boat from Israel's world famous Dead Sea.

The salt is extracted right from the sea so you get the purest, highest grade mineral bath salts.

In fact, it costs us thousands of dollars and it takes a little over 2 months to get this salt delivered. You can enjoy these all natural Dead Sea salts to...

Soothe Aching
Joints And Muscles!

If you suffer from chronic joint and muscle pain due to: arthritis, aging, sports injuries, work related injuries, car accident or any other reason...

You have to at least try this product... and you can do so RISK-FREE.

Here's the deal:

Because Freederm AC cream is so incredibly effective... and... because it is natural and so safe... it is being sold with the most amazing guarantee in the world.

Check this out: Take the product as directed. Then, just wait a few short minutes and...

You Will Be Totally
Thrilled With The Safe, Rapid
And Dramatic Pain Relief!

However, if you've been disappointed with other arthritis or joint pain treatments before... just like my grandmother was... I understand you might be a little skeptical.

But I feel so strongly about having you try this new product for yourself...

I'm willing to take all the risk.

Order Freederm AC cream, try it and find out how it works for you. I believe it will be the best treatment you've ever tried for your arthritis or joint pain.

If you are not totally satisfied, simply return the unused portion and I will immediately refund your money. No questions asked. And, to make sure you know how serious I am about this:

I will offer you a...

Complete, No Risk,
100% Money-Back Guarantee!

You have nothing to lose except the pain that has been hampering you for so long. Freederm products are scientifically developed and they work fast.

Try it for yourself.

Here's how to order via our 100% Secure Payment Processor:

4 oz. Jar Of Freederm AC Joint
And Muscle Support Cream

Shipped by priority mail with delivery confirmation. Your price is only $34.97 + shipping and handling. Same day shipping.

Note: We ship our products all over the world. So you will notice that we offer Global Express shipping that will get our products to almost any part of the world within 3 to 4 days. All USA orders are sent out Priority Mail which is 2 to 3 day delivery.

But Wait! Here's An
Even Better Offer...

Special Bonus Offer!

For a limited time only, when you order 2 jars of Freederm AC Joint and Muscle Support Cream you get a great discount plus you also get the following bonuses added to your order absolutely FREE...

Bonus #1:
1-Month Supply Of Freederm Joint Support Supplements ($19.95 value)

... PLUS...

Bonus #2:
4 Therapeutic Dead Sea Salt Baths ($19.80 value)

All for just $54.97 + shipping and handling. You save $59.70... over 49%! Same day shipping.

Won't last long. Order Now!

Note: We ship our products all over the world. So you will notice that we offer Global Express shipping that will get our products to almost any part of the world within 3 to 4 days. All USA orders are sent out Priority Mail which is 2 to 3 day delivery.


Even if you or someone you love is not having pain right now but had problems in the past, order now so you have it on-hand when needed. Remember, you can return it anytime for a refund if it doesn't seem to help. I guarantee you'll love it!


Arcangelo Capozzolo


Should you have any questions about anything I may not have explained please email me. We want to hear about your concerns, personal experience or if you just want a supportive ear. We know how frustrating and awful joint pain can be. Let me know how we can help.

Email me at info@jointpainremedy.com


Give Freederm AC cream a try for yourself. After all, that's what really counts. And... if you don't feel it's the best pain relief treatment you've ever used... I'll buy it back from you. No questions asked.

By the way, you can also order by calling 1-800-366-6453 anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or if you live outside the USA you can call (516) 408-3467
  Order NOW!

Or make checks payable to:

Market Traders L.L.C.
80 Earhart Drive, Ste 9
Williamsville, NY 14221
Email: info@jointpainremedy.com

We Ship Our Products Worldwide

Disclaimer: The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

If you experience problems ordering please call (716) 204-0246. We are open 24hrs a day - Thank you for doing business with us. We appreciate all the referrals you can send us.
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